Edmonton Emergency Response and Newcomers Services

Empowering and Helping our community and Newcomers.

Supporting our community.


We hope to show everyone that prosperity and economic security is achievable with the help of our generous community.

We are always looking for new ways to help out and provide individuals with a positive impact on their lives.

Newcomers and Refugees

Through many disasters and world events, many refugees have to leave their homes and everything behind for their safety and come to a new foreign place with not much to call their own. We aim to provide these individuals with many services starting with their basic needs and hopefully much more.


The Homeless

We are offering assistance and supplies to those of us who have fallen on hard times and become homeless. These individuals are always in need of support, we aim to offer help and a positive impact on these people’s lives.


Fire and disaster victims

Our goal is to also help those of us who have been impacted by fire, natural disasters, or just life. We hope to assist these individuals to get back on their feet and positively change their circumstances.


“Without the community members’ help and support, we can’t help and support others”

- Executive Director


“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

Dr. Seuss


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

(780) 700-8218

(780) 700-2281